Thursday, November 18, 2010

Silly Billyness: Chocoholic

William earned the nickname “Silly Billy” early in his life. What a ham! Even at his young age, he has the desire (and talent) of cracking people up.

And the first of a series of (probably many, knowing our son) installments in the Silly Billy Collection, I bring you: Chocoholic.

IMGP1050 I was intending to wait at least until his first birthday to introduce chocolate and eggs, but when I made brownies (resulting in a small spill on the floor), Silly Billy seized his opportunity for a taste. He liked it so much that he cried when I made him stop licking the floor.


As one would expect from any child of mine, this boy LOVES chocolate.


betsey said...

You are just introducing him to the finer things in life.

Bomb said...

A man after my own heart.