Steve’s mother came to help us out with William this week while I’m on bed rest. Grandma really saved us. While she was here, she (among other things) ran errands, cooked, cleaned the carpets, got new tires and wipers for the car, kept the house clean and presentable (which is not an easy task with me on bed rest and a high-energy 2 year old), took Silly Billy on walks, AND picked up Café Rio for dinner (yum!).
She even let me cheat a little and go to our ward’s trunk or treat. It was so nice to actually get out of the house (other than to see the doctor) and be social again. All my bed rest went to good use and I (with help from Steve) made an awesome costume complete with life-size fetuses. I offered to make Steve one with a burger and fries in the belly, but he declined and wore a bowling shirt instead.
It was also the ward Chili/soup cookoff. I ate 4 bowls. Between that and Grandma Garff’s dinners, I was FINALLY able to put on 4-5 lbs, which is a good start to the 40-50 I need to gain in the next 20 weeks.
Skeletons were by far the most popular costume in our area.

Though we did have a wide variety of others.

Steven even allowed me to walk around with William for a bit---he was a BIG fan of trick or treating, though it did take awhile for him to get the idea. Usually, he just said, “treat” (occasionally throwing in a “please” as well) and then took a handful of candy. It was great fun to watch.

After one row of cars, I was banished to the backseat.
Halloween night was much less exciting. I was allowed to go to 2 houses and was banished to the couch for the remainder of the evening. Steven and Liam had a great time wandering the neighborhood in search of the goods and looking at the decorations.

William made out like a bandit, with several houses allowing him multiple handfuls of candy (luckily, some of these were choking hazards and had to be taken care of by Mom and Dad). 
William had a great time with his Grandma here, and Grandma was a good sport, despite the fact that she had to clean up after his messes and other such adventures.

We even lucked out when going to the doctor. Not only did I not have to worry about getting a babysitter, but Grandma thought Silly Billy was cold and got him a new shirt to keep him warm. Go Bruins!

Saturday, everyone except me (since I’m still stuck in bed) went out to Reseda to the orchard to pick fruit. William hadn’t been in nearly a year and had a great time.

It was a hoot to see him discovering the fruit. You can tell he loved it.

He couldn’t help running around exploring. And as a bonus for us, We got a backseat full of oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and avocados.

Which is perfect because we have two little avocado-sized babies waiting to join our family next year.