The last few weeks have been jam-packed with new experiences for Liam.
We went swimming (he loved it!)
He had his first St. Patrick's Day, which included his second holiday-themed "flirt shirt"
He also had his first real laugh (kind of a squeal, with a "ha") and rolled over for the first time, both of which Liam has refused to repeat on command so we have been unable to catch it on video.
And the big fun, first trip to Disneyland
This happened to coincide with my brother Philip and his family coming to town. I loved spending time with my niece Abby, and nephew Spencer.
Liam even got his very own pair of Mouse Ears to match Mommy.

We also got ears for my neice and nephew.
The above picture is one of my favorites. The kids look so cute as MousetEARS! Abby earned her ears by going on Tower of Terror twice and also Space Mountain. She was so scared that she even wanted to say a prayer for courage before getting on the ride. Lightening McQueen especially loved his ears. It made his day.
I especially loved Spencer's face in this photo. As you can see, he is VERY excited to be here. He made this same face when he found out he was getting Lightening McQueen ears.
Liam, unfortunately (for him), slept through many rides.
but he was awake for "It's a Small World" and "Monster's, Inc."
We went to CA Adventure with my friend Jen and her little boy, Matt as well as with my brother's family. Sorry my face looks kind of weird in this photo.
Disneyland also included Liam's first date with Kate and her mom, Dagny. Dagny is a friend of mine from college. We had all our classes together for a few years.
With the first date was Liam and Kate's first time holding hands. They really hit it off. Dagny said that she isn't opposed to arranged marriages, so we might even get to be family one day...
Liam also got to take home a souvenir Mickey. We were going through the gift shop to get a gift for Steve (who had to work and couldn't come) and his face lit up when I showed him this Mickey. I couldn't resist getting it for him when I saw how happy he was.
Needless to say, our Disneyland adventure left him pooped. Good thing we have season passes. We'll be back soon!